Whole Foods Bulk Food Sale TODAY


bulk-food1Whole Foods shoppers can enjoy 25% off all bulk items on July 18, 2014.

Top 5 reasons to shop bulk bins

  1. They’re Green – reusable containers and minimal packaging means nothing goes to waste and you only pay for what you want—passing savings on to shoppers!
  2. They’re Cost Effective – You only get what you need and what you want.
  3. They’re DIY-Ready – GranolaTrail Mix, Protein Bars—make ’em all from home!
  4. They Have Super Fresh ingredients – the bulk bins are super fresh, and replenished often with harvest dates listed.
  5. They’re 25% Off! Did you know the bulk bins contain just about everything you can think of: coffee, tea, quinoa, almonds, oats, chocolate chips, flour, spices, soup mixes, nut butters, dried fruits, sprouted grains and more?

The Beginner’s Guide: How to Shop Bulk at Whole Foods

  1. Fill the bag or container provided in the bulk department with the amount you want.
  2. Write down the number you see on the bin—aka the PLU number—on a twist tie or label to place on the bag or container.
  3. Check out as usual, and then go enjoy your fresh ingredients!

Tips on popular items from the bulk department: