Gin, who doesn’t love it? Why not mix up something with a Canadian Gin in this Hallow Night Spritz cocktail from Ungava Gin! Taking its name from the expansive unspoiled region bordering Ungava Bay in northern Quebec, Ungava Gin is made from a combination of rare arctic plants and herbs that are harvested by hand…
Category: Cocktails
Guy Stowell Mixes Up Cocktails MadeWithLove
Guy Stowell at Cocktail Tasting at O5 Tea To prep for tonight’s MadeWithLove cocktail competition, Bartender and Moon Shine Tastings owner Guy Stowell entertained some of our readers at O5 Tea on West 4th. His cocktails were superb and focused on Tequila, Rum and Campari! Here’s a couple of the recipes. Smashed Jimador 1.5 oz 1800…
BOMBAY SAPPHIRE EAST and Cocktails with David Wolowidnyk
Top Five Reasons Why Bombay Sapphire Gin is the Spirit of Summer Yesterday I wrote about how my new Escents Outdoor Survival Kit helped keep the mosquitoes away (although I neglected to use the spray the the day before….and one bit me on the neck….right in my apartment while sleeping…so very rude!) and today I…
Bourbon Cinnamon Toast Milk Punch By Shaun Layton L’Abattoir Restaurant
How much fun is this? Thanks to Mr. Layton for this great boozy brunch cocktail. Bourbon Cinnamon Toast Milk Punch By Shaun Layton, Head Barman of L’Abattoir Restaurant Ingredients: 30ml Makers Mark 10ml Becherovka 10ml Cinnamon syrup 60ml Cinnamon Toast Brunch infused cream 2 dashes Apothecary cacao bitters Method: Shake ingredients with ice in…
Criollo’s Chocolate Liquers
Looking for a last minute stocking stuffer? Criollo’s dual pack of premium chocolate liquers are the perfect addition of pure liquid luxury. Criollo is a premium chocolate liqueur made with the rare Criollo cocoa bean. Criollo comes in Chocolate Raspberry Truffle as well as our favourtie of the two the Chocolate Sea Salted Caramel. Enjoy this amazing liquer…
BC Blueberries At Krause Berry Farms
British Columbia has more than 800 blueberry farms and the blueberries are already coming in for the season. You’ve still got some time to grab a box and try out all sorts of recipes from smoothies to pies as the crop will come in until near the end of September. This year the growing conditions…
Danille Tartarin’s Belle Jardin Fizz – Cointreau Cocktail
Danielle Tartarin just won the Mademoiselle Cointreau – The Quest for the Best Female Bartender in Canada for Vancouver with this impressive concoction. Mademoiselle Cointreau – The Quest for the Best Female Bartender in Canada began its cross-Canada tour in – See more at: Mademoiselle Cointreau – The Quest for the Best Female Bartender…
Evelyn Chick’s Ladies in L’voire – Cointreau
Evelyn Chick just placed in Madmoiselle Cointreau, the search for the best Canadian female bartender with this Cointreau-based cocktail. Ladies in L’voire 1.5 oz Cointreau .25 oz green chartreuse .5 oz lime juice .5 oz lemon juice 2 dashes angostura 3 dashes housemade rosemary tincture 1 tbsp bergamot sorbet Shake in perlini, charge with CO2…
St. Patrick’s Day Cocktail A Thorn Among Kings
St. Patrick’s Day calls for all things Irish. We’ll be noshing on some corned beef and cabbage, and sipping good Irish Whiskey. This Irish Whiskey Cocktail is brought to us by Trevor Kallies of Donnelly Group. A new-style of Irish whiskey cocktail: A Thorn Among Kings 2oz Red Breast Irish Whiskey 1oz Dubonnet 2 Dash…
Shane Mulvany Wins Angostura Bitters Canadian Cocktail Challenge
Cocktail enthusiasts headed to the Blackbird Public House & Oyster Bar in Vancouver where Toronto native Shane Mulvany took home the win with his Brian Lara Swizzle and Banana au Rum recipes. Mulvany works at The Chase in Toronto and also recently won the Hogtown Shakedown at Toronto’s Cocktail Week. Competitors had to make one…
The Bermuda Triangle – Recipe from Glowbal Grill Steaks & Satay
The Bermuda Triangle 1 oz Bacardi Oakheart 1 oz Fresh Lime Juice 1 oz Simple Syrup Shake over ice. Pour into rocks glass and top with Ginger Beer & Port.
The Creole Julep
Tales of the Cocktail – 2009 Official Cocktail: The Creole Julep Maksym Pazuniak, a mixologist at Rambla and Cure, won over the judges with his balanced and well-layered julep featuring Cruzan Single Barrel Estate Rum, Rhum Clement Creole Shrubb, Captain Morgan 100 Proof Rum, Fee Brothers Peach Bitters, Angostura Bitters, fresh mint, and Demerara sugar….