Eat Well. Do Good.Compassion Into Action is an annual pop-up organic café and marketplace where you can purchase delicious local organic food by donation to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society.
For every dollar spent at Compassion Into Action, the food bank can buy three dollars worth of food to feed the 27,000 people who depend on it every week (26% of which are children).
This event is an opportunity for you to eat well and enable others to do the same. Event DetailsCompassion Into Action Organic Café & Marketplace
Compassion Into Action was started by Nature’s Path in 2009 and has raised over $500,000 worth of food to date thanks to generous community partners and compassionate Vancouverites.The Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society (GVFBS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing food and related assistance to those in need. The GVFBS collects and distributes food to over 27‚000 people weekly through 15 food depots and over 100 community agencies located in Vancouver‚ Burnaby‚ New Westminster and the North Shore. They do not receive government funding and rely solely on the generosity of individuals and organizations willing to donate funds‚ food and time.