MILK & GRAIN: Artisan Cheese and Beer Tasting


milkApril 4 at the Opus Hotel

MILK & GRAIN is the second in the CRAFT food and beer tasting series, fundraisers for Craig’s new documentary film CRAFT. There will be a total of six beer and cheese pairing curated by The Benton Brothers and filmmaker and Cicerone in training Craig Noble.
The evening’s entertainment will also include the screening of the newest teasers for the film, featuring The Commons, Lagunitas, Lost Abbey, Hops and Grain, Odell and Funkwerks breweries.
Come join us for an exploration of artisan cheese and beer, and discover the taste and flavor marriage of these two traditional farmhouse products.

Tickets available at:

One Comment

  1. Brian says:

    That sounds great – I love the cheese from The Benton Brothers. Any word on the beer pairings?

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