Aging Gracefully

Now that I’m in my 40’s, I have other issues than when I was I was oh so fresh and young. My skin was pretty good to me growing up, however, now if I stare too long in the mirror, I notice the skin on my face is a little, or perhaps, a lot less tight. I value myself more now on other things other than looks, thankfully, but still, if I can freshen up, I will.

Some may say “age gracefully”. But grace has never been my forte, so when I heard I could have a little “facelift” without actually going under the knife, I was all for it.

The procedure? The Non-invasive Lift

So what did I do? It’s called Ultherapy and it’s offered at Ideal Image in Vancouver on South Granville.  It’s the only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift skin on the neck, under the chin and on the eyebrow. It was billed and delivered as safe ultrasound without surgery.

How it works

Ultherapy uses ultrasound to transform the brow, chin, neck and chest. I went in and a certified nurse performed this ultrasound on my chin.  Is there a downside? Yes. It hurt a bit, almost like an elastic band snapping on your skin, and there  was bruising afterwards for a good week, but it was cover-able by makeup. Pain is forgettable though, and  six months later, I definitely had a tighter jawline and the photos below are my own and unaltered and prove it. Cost = approximately $2000 but varies depending on what you need.
