Deerholme Farm Wild Mushroom Dinner


chicken-terrine-300x232Sat­ur­day Sep­tem­ber 21 (5 pm — 9 pm)

A French themed din­ner based on wild mush­rooms and local sea­sonal prod­ucts. Explore the world of North­ern French Cook­ing, rich with sub­tle flavours, del­i­cate herbs and a wide selec­tion of the best wild mush­rooms available.


Mush­room and Camem­bert cheese tartlets

Braised rab­bit stuffed morels in cider


Ter­rine of chicken with chanterelles, apples, potato and rose­mary, Deer­holme salad

Cream of wild mush­room soup with roasted pear and blue cheese froth

Chou­croute Gar­nie (Braised sausage, smoked meat, bacon and mush­rooms in Ries­ling wine and Sauerkraut)

Tarte Alsa­ci­enne (apple cus­tard tarte)

Cost per per­son $90