#GIVEAWAY Garagiste North Wine Festival #Vancouver


Win 2 tickets for @GARAGISTENORTH #Vancouver Wine Festival JUNE 27 = $100+ 

Enter below with Rafflecopter.

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JOIN THE GARAGISTE WINE PARTY!  In 2015 the coolest winemakers are hitting are the road! Festivals scheduled in Vancouver & Kelowna!

The first of its kind in Canada, ‘Garagiste North’ (The Small Guys Wine Festival), celebrates the artisan winemaker creating commercially produced small case lot wines (under 2000 cases). An eclectic gang, they are a blend of passion and experience, new and old, the cult and the boutique, the virtual and custom crush—all gathered in one spot.

Meet the winemakers – taste their exclusive wines, chat about their vineyards and celebrate the art of winemaking. Garagiste North Wine Festivals offer a unique and intimate opportunity to experience the true passion of the winemaker and his/her craft.


June 27th Vancouver at Wise Hall! 2-4 pm (Trade tasting 12:30-2pm)

$49 includes awesome wine tastings, food truck schnacks by Roaming Dragon & cool music by Chicken Like Birds.

Tickets on Eventbrite: Click HERE to buy!

For more information on events, our rockstar winemakers, and how to JOIN THE WINE PARTY (the coolest wine club ever) go to: www.garagistenorth.com

GARAGISTE – (gar-uh-jist-uh) noun, Fr. : The garagiste originally refers to a group of winemakers in the Bordeaux region of France, producing “vins de garage” or “garage wine”. They were renegade small-lot winemakers, sometimes working in their garage, who refused to follow industry laws and protocol. synonyms: Rebels, pioneers, renegades, individualists, mavericks, driven by passion.



  1. Ariel C says:

    Riverstone estate winery

  2. Cindy Smith says:

    Synchromesh wine

  3. Vera Sal says:

    Wine is a juice of life

  4. Alan Huang says:

    Bella Wines

  5. P. says:

    Sounds like a fun time!

  6. Ei Leen says:

    Black Cloud Winery

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