CONTEST CLOSED Congrats to Loren and Mark! See you there!
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. On October 18 TEDxVancouer hosts a day of speakers and discussion around the theme of TILT – exploring ideas from another angle. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At TEDxVancouver, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.
Looking at things from another perspective is difficult and uncomfortable, but often yields revolutionary leaps in personal evolution. This year’s event will tilt your axis and put you on new ground. See the full list of speakers here. Tickets ($99 + tax) are limited. PURCHASE
To win a ticket to TEDxVancouver TILT comment below on how you have gotten out of your comfort zone with FOOD, SPA TREATMENTS, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY or TRAVEL experiences?
Did you eat some chicken feet, complete a marathon, travel somewhere off the beaten track or get a pedicure where fish ate dead skin of your feet? Tell us here!
Skiing for the first time ever on Grouse Mountain got me out of my comfort zone. It was called the Screaming Eagle…. but I didn’t know how to stop! I forced myself to fall and I am still here. More or less.
The life changing and most exciting adventure was climbing the Great Wall of China ! I still remember I kept thinking of the long time story ” It is the only man made feature that can be seen from the moon ” ! An exhilarating experience for me.
Well, recently I went to “Eat Vancouver” alone, and I saw a fellow with a lovley large bag, commenting on how organized he was to bring such a nice bag to the show. He told me he got it at the “Mexican Pavillion” where he also had the opportunity to “Eat a Grasshopper” Guess where I made a B-line to…Yes, the Mex-travel stand, where I found a handsome young fellow handing out the most colourful bags. I asked him about the grasshoppers, and with a great big smile he grabbed a small bowl filled with him. EEEEEEEhhhh!!!! Well, I didn’t have it in me to eat one, and asked if he would not mind to eat one for me, which of course he did. I could not muster up the courage, and asked him to eat on more!! Finally I braved it and grabed one right into my mouth. Alas I did not expect such a fine taste of roasted chili-lime. It was so delicious!! I will not likely eat another grasshopper, but happy for the Taste-Vancouver Adventure opportunity.
I went to mom and baby yoga at Open Door Yofa on main and 15th. They allow crawlers, so it wasn’t your typical mom and babe class. Even though I felt like it was a light class I was actually sore 2 days later. Happy to get out of the comfort zone of snuggling around a baby all day and all night!
I left my partner and home for the summer to accept a job training sled dogs in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. I have no previous experience with dogs, let alone training them. I helped train 32 malamute huskies to pull a sled. The challenge was to learn all 32 dogs names as they were malamutes – all white with blue eyes, they all looked identical!. I learned the calls: Chee!( turn right), Chaw! ( turn left ). It was physically demanding and patience was tested!. I tried some Inuit food such as muktuk (whale) and muskox. I worked as a tour coordinator as well at the property so I flew on a cessna 206 ( tiny 5 seater airplane that looked like it was made of cardboard)over the tundra to Tuktoyaktuk, a small Inuit hamlet by the shore of the Arctic ocean as a familiarization tour to promote to our guests. My ‘North of the arctic circle’ adventure gave me a challenge and brought me out of my comfort zone daily.
I got out of my comfort zone with traveling by going to Thailand and staying in a small town with bad internet and completely different food than what I normally eat. It was a great experience and I’d do it again.
Recently unemployed for the first time in 20 years. I have headed to meetups to network with new people not within my specialty. Way out of my comfort zone.
I went to Norway entirely on my own, ended up going to the wrong airport, and had all kinds of bizarre adventures. And even though I spent a great deal of that trip confused, nervous, and uncomfortable, I’d love to do it again!