Congrats to @eldercoin on the win!
WE’VE ADDED A TIN OF CIVET COFFEE! We love Doi Chaang Coffee and want to share 4 different roasts with you!
1. Tweet “#Giveaway #win 4 bags of FAIR TRADE #coffee (CIVET TOO @doichaangcoffee @goodlifevan ”

About Doi Chaang Coffee Company:
Doi Chaang Coffee Company is Vancouver-based, with its coffee grown in small, family-owned gardens inside Doi Chang Village in Northern Thailand. Half of the Canadian company is owned by the farmers, the indigenous Akha Hill Tribe. Doi Chaang Coffee Co. is committed to bringing economic and environmental sustainability to the Akha Hill Tribe and Doi Chang Village through its BEYOND FAIR TRADE® business practices to ensure shared economic sustainability and prosperity.
Product details (what’s in the gift basket):
- Single-Estate Dark: COST: $15.99: We give our Doi Chaang premium beans a long slow roast to create a dark, exotic cup with an intensely bold richness. Vibrant with an earthy fragrance, our single-origin dark roast has a heavy body with a pleasant, slightly tart acidity. A sweet taste with a hint of smoky flavour, it finishes with a hint of caramel and macadamia nut.
- Single-Estate Medium: COST: $15.99 Doi Chaang premium beans are roasted to a full medium to produce a fruity, sweet cup with a pleasant flowery fragrance. Well-balanced with a delicate body and rich undertones, our Single-Estate Medium offers an exceptionally vibrant beginning with a clean finish. A pleasant and well-rounded cup, enjoyable anytime.
- Single-Estate Signature: COST: $15.99 A select combination of our finest beans are roasted in individual batches and then combined to create a full, lively cup. Roasting on different levels produces a complex, yet seamless blend that has a spicy aroma and a full-bodied undertone with distinct floral notes.
It’s interesting to imagine some of the world’s rarest, unique and highly coveted coffee comes from a wild animal’s digestive system. That is how the exotic Wild Civet Coffee is made – with the help of our very own special creatures.
Doi Chaang Wild Civet Coffee is made from coffee cherries that have been passed through the digestive system of a Civet, a cat-sized mammal found in Southeast Asia and Southern China. A unique combination of enzymes in the civet’s stomach enhances the coffee’s flavour by breaking down the proteins that typically give the coffee its bitter taste.
When swallowed, the inner beans will pass through the civet’s system undigested. Once eliminated, the coffee beans are still covered in some inner layers of the cherry and must be further processed to extract the coffee bean prior to roasting.
The wild Civets will feast on only the ripest and sweetest coffee cherries when the fruit is at its peak, which ensures that only the best beans have been ingested. The farmers of Doi Chang Village gather the civet processed coffee beans from the forest floor, flush the coffee beans from the remaining layers of fruit, sun dry and hand select only the finest wild Civet coffee beans. The beans are sent directly from Doi Chang Village to Vancouver, British Columbia where Doi Chaang Coffee’s expert Roastmaster roasts the civet coffee in micro-lot batches to ensure the perfect taste profiles for Doi Chaang Wild Thai Civet Coffee.
Not only are you drinking the finest quality coffee – you can rest easy knowing these Civets aren’t caged or force fed coffee cherries by the farmers – Doi Chang Civets roam freely throughout the natural habitat of the village.
It’s an amazing process, please take look here for photos of how it all starts; the raw Civet bean!
Single-estate dark is my fave!
Single-Estate Medium is my favourite
Single estate dark is my favourite!!! Love the hints of caramel
Single estate signature (@radicalradhika)
Single-Estate Signature
Single Estate Medium!
@votresibelle Single-estate signature is my favourite
SE Medium
Single-Estate Medium is my favourite.
Single Estate Dark
Single Estate Dark…double like.
Single Estate Dark …if I have to choose just one
Single Estate Dark
I have never tried Doi Chaang Coffee, but since I am a fan of french roast I think Single Estate Dark would be good
Single-Estate Dark
I like Single Estate Medium!
Twitter: hyacinth @eldercoin
Doi Chaang Wild Civet Coffee. Twitter handle: @ArjunRudra1