I’m going to dish a little here about myself and deter from my usual posts on all the great food I eat. I’ve embarked on a journey of self-improvement and as an added motivator I am going to commit to checking in here to ensure I’m accountable. I’ve judged myself enough so I hope you’ll go lightly on me.
Work What You Got
It had been a fantastic summer, one filled with fabulous food, stellar cocktails, and new experiences with Vancouver’s ever growing craft beers and BC wine. Along the way attempts at balancing these indulgences were made with some long walks and bike rides. As a writer focused heavily on food and one with a nasty habit of excessive boozing it was more than just one indulgent summer that had taken its toll on a body that was once fine-tuned and considered on the slim side. Ah the time had come to take an inventory and start to make some lifestyle choices that would ensure that the remainder of my years weren’t spent dealing with health issues. Another kicker was that I’d also been diagnosed with a fatty liver and advised to adjust my behaviour.
Growing up I suffered from eating disorders, depression and body image issues. I’d never really been that fond of physical self even when I’d been fit enough to run a sub four hour marathon and a lot of this self-loathing still lingered. I’m not one who likes to look in the mirror, and had begun to hate shopping since a size large was sometimes still not large enough. I’d lost twenty pounds by upping my walking mileage last year, but ten had crept back at last count.
A number of timely events pushed me to set out on the journey I have no chosen which I like to call “Good Life Vancouver Spruces Up” and my new friend Heidi refers to as “Project Cassandra”. First there was an email about a book by Mandy Ingber that landed and an offer to try a class she was teaching at Semperviva was offered, and second was Heidi Henderson, the owner of Vital Medical Health invited me down for some treatments, beginning with a set of eyelash extensions.
The clinic is based on holistic health, which encompasses a medical drop in clinic, counselling, massage, acupuncture, nutritional consulting, reflexology and also a few key beauty services such as the eyelashes and nails. A one stop shop for a body tune up!
As I was invited to the Deighton Cup, the fashion event of the year, I had to take what I had and work with it to put my best foot forward, In Yogalosophy Mandy Ingber’s mantra is “the body you want starts with the body you have“. Another quote that was inspiring was from a life coach I’d found randomly through google and, Tara Caffelle of Big Life Coaching, who likes to say “it’s not the size of your ass,it’s what you do with it that matters.” So I accepted the invite and did my best to prepare.
As mentioned my eyelash extensions were one of the first sprucing up steps. As I child I had pulled them all out, a sign of childhood depression, so I’d always needed an extra coat of mascara. I still have to be careful not to fall back into strange but common habit. Now I just comb and go, they aren’t cheap but they only need filling every 3 weeks and they’re so worth it as I felt prettier already. I was also treated right at Poppy Salon to a blow-out, pedicure, manicure and make up application. Trish McLean has an excellent Aveda salon at 2686 West 4th where the incredible team of Karianne, Liz and Holly did an excellent job on my hair, make-up pedicure and manicure. Great space and lovely ladies who really made all the difference in making me feel much better.
The horror before the pedi! Note the halo over Holly as she is an angel!
Much better after! Please excuse my wrinkly toes!
Make up (didn’t get the best pic – I look somewhat medicated)
Day One Make-up and Hair. Clothes by my closet as we can’t buy new outfits everyday!
Day 2 sparkling nails!
Day two Hair by Poppy Salon again! Love it.
Next up was an outfit and thanks to Cherry Velvet Plus my dress was one that I felt proud to wear. Jewels came from the fantastically sparkly Elsa Corsi and a fascinator from Hive Mind Millinery. We are blessed to have such great local talent in Vancouver. With their help I was literally off to the races and while I didn’t, and certainly never intended to, win the most stylish (let’s take little steps here!) I certainly felt adequate and rather pleased with myself. Perhaps not loving the body I had, but at least knowing I’d done my best that day.
The outfit above left won a well-deserved best dressed!
There is more of this journey ahead, as next week I weigh in, start with a trainer, counseller and check in with a nutritionist. Step one GLV Spruces Up complete and onward we go to better health.
What a brave post and a big journey you have started. Good for you Cassandra. Whatever the catalyst was the start the process of taking this big look at yourself, I congratulate you. So much of what you share I can relate to, and I am sure so many of your readers can to, and you will help and inspire so many people by being so open. I am cheering for you!
Go, Cassandra! I recently had to make a bunch of dietary changes due to sinus inflammation (inflammation is inflammation, wherever it manifests). It can be tough. My acupuncturist keeps telling me that it’s absolutely a journey so take it one day at a time. Here’s to the good, and healthy, life!
You are such a loving person, Cassandra, and it’s awesome to see you treating yourself with the kindness you show others and so richly deserve. Only good things will come of this… and clearly many already have. Brava, dear friend! You’re definitely an inspiration.
This is very inspirational and honest writing. I wish you all the best on your journey of health! I agree with the last post you deserve all good things
Lots of love!!