Hand Crafted Spirits on TSN1410 – Cafe Medina and The Fez

Marc Slingsby-Jones Mixes Up The ‘Fez’ Cocktail at Cafe Medina

Joe Leary and I have been testing out those cocktails again and stumbled upon a rather tasty one (pardon the overused pun) at Cafe Medina for the latest Hand Crafted Spirits Show on TSN1410. Known for their brunch, Cafe Medina serves up a lot more than your regular eggs benny, and drinks are equally complex.  I’m thinking this one would go very well with their Salmon Fume, a Fried Egg, Smoked Wild Salmon Cream Cheese, Avocado, Organic Greens, and pepper and artichoke salad on Grilled Ciabatta. Thanks to bar manager Marc Slingsy-Jones for teaching us just how well Kombucha and gin pair!

Listen in for the audio and recipe below.

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cafe medina


The Fez


1 ½  oz Long Table Cucumber Gin
¾ oz Salted ginger syrup
½ oz Fresh lemon juice
Beet + Orange Kombucha (Marc uses Culture Craft Kombucha)
Rosemary and Orange Wedge (for garnishing)


  1. In a tall glass, add gin, syrup and lemon juice and stir the mixture with a cocktail spoon.
  2. Fill the glass with ice, then top with kombucha.
  3. Before serving, rub the rim of the glass with rosemary and garnish with an orange wedge.Marc Slingsby-Jones

While he was born and raised in New Zealand, this transplanted Kiwi has found a new home in Vancouver, where he has taken up residency behind the pine as Café Medina’s Bar Manager to curate the restaurant’s eclectic drink menu.

While pursuing his university degree, Marc first began plying his trade as a bartender in the rural outback of Australia and quickly embraced the role. He moved on to tend the bar at various cafes and restaurants in his native Auckland before heading to the West Coast in 2013, where he worked as a bartender in Kitsilano before joining the Café Medina family in 2014.

An avid traveller, foodie and host, Marc relishes rubbing elbows and trading stories with Café Medina’s regulars and visitors alike, while bringing a decidedly local-forward direction to the bar by spotlighting an array of local craft breweries, distilleries and wineries and incorporating fresh, seasonal ingredients that reflect the restaurant’s signature brand of rustic comfort cuisine.

One Comment

  1. Charles says:

    Marc is such a nice person and the Fez is a brilliant (not only in colour) cocktail. Cheers

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