Harrison is getting set for the season of shepherds and sugarplums, offering visitors to the Fraser Valley resort town local ski slopes, delicious debuts from local farms, and tinsel and trees galore. When it’s time to relax and recoup, Harrison Hot Springs, once revered as a healing place, offers mineral hot springs pools at a maintained 38 degrees C (100 degrees F). Just 90-minutes from Vancouver, if in need of rest and respite this season, a retreat to Harrison is sure to revive the season’s spirits.
Slopes, springs and spahh
Ski by day at nearby Hemlock Mountain — voted up! magazine’s 2009 Best Ski Resort Value winner — for everything from skiing and snowboarding to tubing and snowshoeing. Apres at Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa for some serious soaking in the hot spring pools or indulging at the Healing Springs Spa.
Harrison holiday cheer & cheese
On November 28 & 29 Harrison will be buzzing with pre-holiday activities. It’s a great chance to visit the Village, pick up a few gifts and gear up for the holidays. Circle Farm Tour presents a Christmas tour that includes stops at Kilby Historic Site, Limbert Mountain Farm, Harrison River Restaurant and The Farm House Natural Cheeses. Enjoy a live Nativity scene, food, drink, music and entertainment, great gift ideas and free draws for local products. Sample the Farm House’s Christmas cheese debuts: cranberry and roasted hazelnuts and a cranberry goat Caerphilly.
Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa will host a Photo Arts Expo on November 28 & 29. The show will feature the works of Fraser Valley photographers and the works would make a unique and perfect gift idea.
Also on November 28, the Festival of Lights will kick off in the Village. There’s breakfast with Santa from 9am until noon at Memorial Hall, a Holiday Market, the Lantern float on Harrison Lake, hot chocolate and music. At 6pm, the Mayor will flip the switch to officially light up the town.
Hoppin’ holiday train
The CPR Holiday Train pulls into Agassiz on December 18 to help raise funds and food for the Agassiz Harrison food bank. The decorated train will also feature an entertainment stage where Canadian band, The Odds, will rock out with Wide Mouth Mason’s Shaun Verreault in front of the Agassiz Agricultural Hall.
Festival of trees
While in Harrison, check out the 25 uniquely decorated Christmas trees at the Harrison Hot Springs Resort. Decorated by local businesses, the trees will be on display from November 25 through December 31.
Rock into the New Year
The party doesn’t stop after the holidays are done. January 23, Harrison will host Barney Bentall, Tom Taylor and Shari Ulrich – three veteran performers who for the first time are teaming up and touring as a BC Supergroup.
For more information and events calendar please visit Tourism Harrison at
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