C has a confession: they’ve had a little work done. Not a face-lift, just some nipping and tucking. Harry Kambolis’ celebrated restaurant has a new patio cocktail lounge with comfy sofas and a brand-spanking-new bar, that also features a BBQ. Chef Lee Humphries has designed a new tapas menu that’s light and breezy, and perfect for summertime noshing: tea-cured Hawkshaw salmon with pickled shallots and tomato jam ($6), squid with pea, mint, parmesan, lemon and olive oil ($6) and a lamb chop with saffron cous cous and raisin jus ($6). C is also proud to present Northern Divine Caviar, with traditional garnishes served in oyster shells ($150). The sustainable caviar is from Target Marine in Sechelt. “It’s ethical luxury, pearlized,” says Kambolis.
C has fashioned the menu so its clients and walkers-by can have a summer fling, with no commitment. “At last, you can come in to C for a glass of bubble or a snack, not a whole dinner,” grins Kambolis.
Chef Lee has also created a five-course tasting menu that celebrates the exclusive Hawkshaw wild salmon from the Skeena River ($65). And in theme with all of that, sommelier Kim Cyr has composed a rose list, playfully dubbed the “Pretty in Pink” List, which even features a cocktail called The Molly Ringwald.
To reserve your spot on the C patio lounge amidst fashionable company as the sun sails west., call the restaurant at 604-681-1164 or email leonard@crestaurant.com