Cornucopia 2009, Whistler’s Food & Wine Celebration, will showcase BC VQA Wines like never before in preparation for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games.
In 2010, it is not just Vancouver and Whistler that have the opportunity to showcase themselves to the world, but all of British Columbia. Not only can we showcase our natural beauty and cultural diversity, but also our local food, and our local wine. Amongst the 97 participants to be showcased at Cornucopia, are 23 participating BC Wineries.
To highlight the Wines of BC, the BC Wine Institute (BCWI) has planned an important event for restaurant trade in the Whistler area. The Olympic Bootcamp for BC VQA Wines will be held Friday, November 13th – 10:00 am to 11:30 am at the Whistler Conference Centre. The BCWI will be sponsoring this educational seminar to reach out to frontline staff from restaurants, hotels and pubs in Whistler to help them prepare for tourists wishing to eat and drink local. Hosted by renowned wine authority David Scholefield, this seminar will focus on the versatility of BC VQA wines for wine lists and food pairings. Tickets ($25) for this trade-only event can be purchased by calling a agent at 1-800-WHISTLER.
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