Pacific Breeze Wine Maker’s Dinner

Tuesday April 17th at 6:30PM: Frank Gregus of Pacific Breeze and the team of Wild Rice New Westminister have colloborated together for an amazing multi-course dinner with amazing wine pairings!

Dinner will start with an amuse of pan-seared qualicum bay scallops, with five-spiced bacon, and cauliflower puree; paired with Pacific Breeze Pinot Gris

first course – kabocha squash and oyster mushroom ravioli served with creamy coconut and dill sauce; paired with Pacific Breeze Chardonnay

second course – venison and braised shitake mushroom sheng bao, with a vinegar caramel sauce; paired with Assassin Zinfandel

intermetso – lemon verbena sorbet

third course – szechaun-dusted beef tenderloin, tea-smoked potato puree, grilled asparagus and juicy prawn dumplings; paired with Killer Cab

dessert – late harvest riesling s’mores, pepper ganache, graham cracker, and a wine reduction; paired with Pacific Breeze Late Harvest Riesling

Dinner is $75 per person. For more information or reservations , please visit our website or email Lisa at