Poutine Festival


Come one, come at noon with the whole family. Admission is free from noon to 17:30 and this time will be devoted to family activities and youth. Rally poutine , which includes a tour of bars and restaurants in Vancouver, will also be held in the afternoon.From 18:00, the doors re-open for an evening that wants a memorable contest poutine experimental session and open mic and karaoke French to warm the room for our guest singer. The evening concludes with dancing on French music.

Free from 12:00 to 5:30 p.m. 
$ 20 for the evening ($ 25 at the door) 
Tickets available:festivaldelapoutine.ca orLa Belle Patate 1215 Davie Street

More details soon!

Categories: Festival de la poutine in VancouverPosted by pint
When: 2011-Nov-19 
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