$2 from EVERY BOTTLE of Woof White goes directly to Mosaic Dog Rescue
Available in Vancouver at Libations at Oak and King Edward and The Lennox in City Square
Saturna Island Family Estate Winery has partnered with Mosaic Dog Rescue to donate $2 from every bottle of their new Woof White to this Saturna Island-based animal rescue fund. Mosaic Dog Rescue saves dogs at risk at high kill facilities and adopts them into homes in the Victoria area.
Woof White is hand crafted by winemaker Danny Hattingh from 100% Estate grown Pinot Gris. The label was commissioned by Mosaic Dog Rescue founder, Janet Land, and painted by Jack Campbell, a Saturna Island artist. A closer look reveals that the painting is actually a mosaic of many breeds of dogs within one larger dog.
About Saturna Island Family Estate Winery
The Saturna Island Vineyards are situated on a bench of land nestled between the waters of the Pacific, and a magnificent soaring sandstone and granite cliff face on the south side of the island. There are sixty acres of vines under cultivation in four designated vineyards, which make Saturna Island Family Estate Winery one of the largest estate vineyard and winery operations in coastal British Columbia.
Saturna Island Family Estate Winery’s winemaker, Danny Hattingh, crafts wines from 100% Estate fruit. The winery produces Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Gewurztraminer, Rose, Blanc de Noir, Sparkling and a Port-style wine, named Vinsera. www.saturnavineyards.com
About Mosaic Rescue
Mosaic Rescue is a registered non profit society dedicated to the rescue and adoption of small and medium sized mixed breed dogs (Mosaics) who are at risk in high kill facilities.
In 2008 Little Rock Animal Services euthanized 2,800 dogs, 70% of the more than 4,000 dogs that ended up in the pound that year. These numbers are especially shocking to those of us who consider our dogs members of the family.
Many of the dogs at that shelter are wonderful, friendly, adoptable pets who deserve not only to live but to have a loving family of their own. Mosaic Rescue is committed to working with rescue partners on both sides of the border to save as many of these dogs as we can and place them in loving forever homes in the Victoria BC area.
Saturna Island Family Estate Wines available through
BC Mainland Cassandra Anderton 604 617 2205 casssandrajane10@shaw.ca,
Vancouver and Gulf Islands Shane Miller 250 818 3918 sivislandsales@gmail.com
www.saturnavineyards.com Tel: (250) 539-5139 Toll Free: 1-877-918-3388
Media Contact
Cassandra Anderton
604 617 2205