Mother’s Day is just around the corner and Well Seasoned is Here to Help! This year why not give Mom the gift of great taste. On May 13th, Well Seasoned is pleased to welcome Rob Rainford and celebrate the launch of his fantastic new cookbook, Born to Grill. This event isn’t just for Mom’s it…
Tag: Langley Cooking Class
Well Seasoned Upcoming Classes
The full April & May Cooking Class schedule is now on line but these are a few highlights – dates left for private cooking classes. The Well Seasoned kitchen makes a great venue for a wedding shower, a stagette, an office party or just a couples night out. Gather your friends and customize a menu…..
Seasonal 56 Cooking Classes
Cooking classes are back, and we are kicking them off with a little pork! Gelderman Farms Pork cooking class March 13th 2012 $45 per person/ $40 per diner’s club member 6:00 p.m. Local honey glazed pork tenderloin with apple, walnut, dried plum bread pudding Beer braised leg, juniper and balsamic braised cabbage; pork fat fried potatoes Pork belly…
Turkey with Chef Brian Misko October 2 12:30 – 2:00 pm Perfect and just in time for Thanksgiving BBQ Brian will cook the complete turkey feast outdoors. On the menu will be Cedar Planked Brie Cheese with Cranberry Chutney, Grilled Sweet Corn Chowder, Maple Smoked Turkey served with Sweet Potato Pie and signature House…
Seasonal 56 News – Gumboot Dinner – Cooking Class
Our next gumboot dinner is Wednesday September 21st 6:00 p.m. $50 members / $60 non members Attending producers: Thiessen Farms One Love Farms Mt Lehman Winery Glorious Organics An evening of spirited conversation, wine tasting and fabulous local food. Sit back and enjoy speaking with our attending producers while sipping some premier B.C. wine and tasting some of the best local…
For the full cooking class schedule visit BBQ Cooking Classes with Canada’s Queen of the BBQ, “Diva Q” She’s all personality and a pro on the grill, that’s why Danielle Dimovski, aka “Diva Q” has caught the eye of many including big name food show producers in the U.S. Last year, she was featured…
Well Seasoned Cooking Classes
NEW COOKING CLASSES ADDED! Kids International Cooking Camp with Chef Romy Prasad (ages 6-12 years) July 11-15 and July 25-29 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Chef Romy will make this interactive class fun, interesting and educational while giving kids an opportunity to roll up their sleeves & learn a ton of great recipes that…
Comment and RT#win 2 tickets to Well Seasoned Langley Tailgating 101 BBQ Class
Saturday June 11, 6:30 – 9:30 pm Learn some new recipes for your next tailgate party! You don’t actually have to cook out of the back of your vehicle to love the taste of a tailgate, you just need some crazy delicious recipes, like ABTs (Atomic Buffalo Turds) and Fatties (bacon wrapped hand rolled sausages) and Pig…
Well Seasoned Kicks Off the 2011 BBQ Season with the World’s Best
World BBQ Champs, Smoke on Wheels to teach BBQ classes June 11-13 Well Seasoned is pleased to kick off the 2011 BBQ season by offering barbeque enthusiasts a series of outdoor barbeque cooking classes taught by one of the world’s best BBQ teams from June 11-13th. Smoke on Wheels is an award winning barbeque team…
Savour Spring at Well Seasoned
The flowers have begun to bloom and the local crops are starting to grow. Spring is officially here and that makes us very excited about all the fresh local produce that will be available soon! This month many of you will be celebrating Easter, an occasion that brings with it many delicious culinary traditions like baked ham and sweet Easter…
Seasonal 56 in Langley – Snout to tail cooking
January 17 & 24 – 6 pm Please note this class is over two Mondays $69.95 per person / $64.95 per diner’s club member We will be demonstrating pig butchery to start this class off. Learn were all the cuts come from and different ways to prepare them. We will go through the process of…
Well Seasoned Preps for the holidays!
WARM UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS AT WELL SEASONED With the year’s biggest culinary season just weeks away, preparations for Christmas are in full swing at Well Seasoned. The holidays seem to start earlier every year and that means more Christmas parties, special events and entertaining to plan for! We’ve already been busy packing our shelves with Christmas stock daily…
Learn The Art of the Slow Cooker
On October 18th Good Life Vancouver and Breakfast TV will give away a copy of Everyone Can Cook Slow Cooker Meals along with an All-Clad Slow Cooker and a $60 Gift Certificate to Pastis where slow food is cooked. If you want to learn more, Books to Cooks and Well Seasoned in Langley has some…
News from Well Seasoned!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that means it’s almost turkey time! At Well Seasoned, we’ve got all your Thanksgiving needs covered from roasters, basters, turkey seasonings, ready made gravy, stock, cranberry sauces and tons of ideas for delicious sides and appetizers your friends and family will love. With the Fraser Valley’s harvest season in…
News From Well Seasoned
It’s the end of September already? Seriously, where does the time go? We love Fall at Well Seasoned. Our customers, chefs and staff start to change the way they cook and think about food. The cookbooks and slow cookers come out and we start searching the pages for comfort food recipes like soup, stew and…
News from Well Seasoned Langley
We hope you’re all enjoying your summer so far! As the lazy days of summer continue, so does the buzz of activity at Well Seasoned. This month, we’re cooking up some tasty classes including one all about Tomatoes with Chef Romy Prasad; a Sushi Basics class with Chef Ky; and a workshop to teach you how to become…