2 sets for 2 tickets are available! Comment on this post to win! What is your favourite grape?
Raymond James | Lionsgate Financial“undercover”
An investigative wine tasting targeting wine with the most “bang for your buck”
Sleuthing for wines can be a daunting experience, especially when looking for great value on a budget. “undercover” brings out the best detective in all of us, be it Magnum, the Pink Panther or Get Smart. OnThursday, June 16, 2011, from 7:30 to 9:30pm, your mission is to uncover best value summer sippers at one of Vancouver’s most popular wine tasting events –undercover hosted by celebrated Wine Diva, Daenna Van Mulligen. A fundraising event for Shooting Stars Foundation, undercover takes place at Granville Island’s Performance Works, with tickets a great value at only $37 per person and available on line atshootingstarsfoundation.org
undercover offers those looking to discover value a chance to taste over 100 wines under $19.99. All wines will be “under cover” (hidden) throughout the tasting with patrons choosing their favourites via their palette rather than labels. Wine Diva, Daenna Van Mulligen will host a Pink Tasting – for those with a love for Rose, or wanting to learn that White Zinfandel was an accident. A silent auction will give you an opportunity to “make a deal” while contributing to the cause. Check out the auction items online at www.shootingstarsfoundation.org
All proceeds to benefit the Shooting Stars Foundation in support of local direct service AIDS agencies. As a nonprofit organization, our mission is to produce unique special events with passion, integrity, and innovation to raise money for people living with HIV/AIDS. Shooting Stars supports; British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society • A Loving Spoonful • Wings Housing Society • Positive Women’s Network • McLaren Housing Society • AIDS Vancouver • Dr. Peter Centre • Western Cdn. Pediatric Society • LifeSkills Centre
Undercover sells out quickly. For more information and to purchase tickets please visitwww.shootingstarsfoundation.org.
I would love to get some tickets!
I’d love to go. Affordable wines are all I drink and figuring out which ones are the best would be great!
I of course would also love to win. I’m a big fan of pinot grigio but learning to love riesling!
this sounds really different, fun, and useful – I would love to go!
The pinot grape… noir, gris, whatever! It’s all good and, often, affordable. Would love to attend!
This is such a difficult question, because I have several favourites. Been dreaming about sipping on summer patios, so I will pick Riesling! This event sounds fabulous. Pick me, Pick me!!
Would love to win tickets!
would love the fun of this! I’m a white wine lover chardonnay gewurzttraminer viongier now if I could only spell them as well as I appreciate them ,I’d be set!
Pinot Noir is my fave grape: it can be fantastic on its own, and is also a major varietal in the blends of a lot of Champagne and Sparkling wines!
Sounds like a great event raising money for a good cause.
Congrats Lori! You won.