Wines of Germany


germanThe month of April marks the foundation of Spring, the epitome of freshness and the feature of German wines with Asian flavours in Wines of Germany’s Perfect Pairings in-store thematic.

This April, 60 BC Liquor Stores throughout the province will feature German wines with a focus on the food-friendliness of these wines with Asian cuisine. 12 wines have been selected from the German offering to showcase ‘perfect pairings’, with these wines on display in participating stores. A free booklet has been developed for consumers to take home, matching the wines with such foods as Indian curry, Korean stirfry, Chinese barbecue and more.

Wines of Germany are generally heralded as great food friendly wines. This is a very bold statement, but most sommeliers and other food and wine professionals will agree. British Columbia, being the multi-ethnic province that it is, hosts a wide array of cuisines that virtually reach out for German wines. The not-really secret here is the variety in styles (dry to sweet, sparkling or still), grape varieties (Riesling and Pinot Noir, to name the top ones of either white or red) and the distinct levels of richness (light to full, to honey-like) plus, based on the cooler climate, the wines generally have a good amount of acidity (considered vital for a great food wine) and lower levels of alcohol than warmer climate peers.

“If you don’t love German wines, you just have not yet found the right one for you.”

Visit BC Liquor Stores this April to find your Perfect Pairings.