CocoaNymph East Grand Opening


The CocoaNymph East Grand Opening is coming up on September 22, 2012, and we’d love for you to come by and see us! But wait, there’s more…

Five golden tickets will be hidden in secret locations around the city from September 17 to 21, after 12pm. Below are clues to find each ticket. If you find a golden ticket, bring it along to the Grand Opening to redeem it for some chocolate awesomeness!

Here are the clues to find the golden tickets:

  1. Monday, Sept. 17:  Spy a golden ticket on the grand steps of Vancouver’s Collosseum-inspired building.
  2. Tuesday, Sept. 18: A golden ticket awaits you at the steamy structure in the neighbourhood of Vancouver named for saloon proprietor Gassy Jack Deighton.
  3. Wednesday, Sept. 19: Known as a mecca for fashion shopping, this Vancovuer street is home to many global trends. Find your golden ticket at the door to three floors of books.
  4. Thursday,  Sept. 20: In the 1900s, this historic part of Vancouver was ghome to industrial factories and mills but received a facelift in the 1970s to become the bustling peninsula it is today. Claim your golden ticket where the kids love to shop.
  5. Friday, Sept. 21: Find the final golden ticket at this historic Main St. building which was originally a post office, then restored into a bustling community centre.

The CocoaNymph East Grand Opening is on September 22, 2012 from 11am-7pm at 4 West 7th Avenue. Visit CocoaNymph online at