Contest closed #contest #win Cocolico and Van Houtte $150 Gift Basket

Congrats to @greenjean ftw

Are you bold and woodsy or mellow and fruity?

Why do we need a coffee profile? Well, much like how we choose different wines for different foods to create a memorable experience, coffee is another wonderful way to learn about our palates and taste preferences.

What is YOUR coffee profile? Coffee Profiles® are a combination of the intensity and flavour characteristics of the coffee you enjoy most. Intensity is determined by the beans’roast and flavours are built upon the  natural characteristics of the bean through factors such as cultivation methods, origin and terroir.

Van Houtte has identified six Coffee Profiles®, and each of them combines one of the three intensities: Mellow, Velvety or Bold, with one of the two flavour categories: Fruity or Woodsy.


1) TAKE THE CHALLENGE – Click here to discover your profile – START NOW

2) Post comment below with the resulting coffeeprofile (include your twitter handle)

3) TWEET “I am (profile) with @goodlifevan @vanhouttecoffee @wendychocolate #VHGLV”







The discovery of your very own Coffee Profile will enhance your daily coffee experience by identifying the coffees that best suit your palate. An easy way to find the ones you will most enjoy and explore their nuances with delight.

Are you Bold & Woodsy? Velvety & Fruity? Select your preferences in terms of intensity and flavours to discover your Coffee Profile.

Click here to discover your profile – START NOW



  1. Melaney G Lyall says:

    my coffee profile was Velvety & Fruity!
    Who knew…that was an interesting quiz.

  2. Scott says:

    Bold & Woodsy! @scotfergie

  3. Heidi C says:

    I am Velvety & Fruity.

  4. Rob says:

    My coffee profile is Mellow and Fruity

  5. Margaret K. says:

    Profile: Bold & fruity
    Handle: @emkaye6

  6. Melaney G Lyall says:

    Shared on FB
    I’m still Velvety & Fruity

  7. Cindy Smith says:

    Velvety & fruity


  8. Jenn K says:

    Bold and Woodsy!

  9. Jean K says:

    Now I want a cup of coffee!

  10. Jean K says:

    Bold & woodsy! Bold & woodsy!

  11. Que says:

    I’m Bold & Fruity!
    Actually that is a lot like my personality!

  12. Jennifer says:

    I’m Velvety & Fruity!

  13. Manuel says:

    bold and fruity


  14. Lori says:

    I am Velvety & Woodsy…can’t wait to try it!

  15. Darcy says:

    Bold & Woodsy

  16. Lori says:

    Velvety & Woodsy

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