Cultivating a Lighter Footprint


footprintTuesday October 22  6:30 – 8:30 pm Location: Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver


How can we cultivate a lighter footprint in Vancouver, especially as cheap energy sources peak and climate change intensifies?

In partnership with the Vancouver Food Policy Council and Village Vancouver, MOV is pleased to host an interactive evening of presentations, discussion, and visioning from local innovators, practitioners, and community members that encourage people to think about our local circumstances and how we can map a course for change here in Vancouver.

Focusing on the ‘Top 5’ biggest potential Footprint-reducing contributions provided by the Greenest City Lighter Footprint “Feet to the Fire” committee, FHTH4 will explore effective actions we can take to reduce our ecological footprint, especially as cheap energy sources peak and climate change intensifies.

Moderator: Randy Shore (the Green Man, Vancouver Sun)

Jennie Moore —  Reducing Vancouver’s Ecological Footprint: Insights to Action

An overview of Vancouver’s ecological footprint and what types of changes in lifestyle and consumption activities would be needed to reduce it. Learn about the five most important things you can do and why senior government involvement is also need if we are truly going to get serious about sustainability.

Jennie is the BCIT Director of Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship. She works in the School of Construction and the Environment. Her work was instrumental in formulation of the City of Vancouver’s Greenest City 2020 Lighter Footprint goal. She is an associate of the One-Earth Initiative and participates in the Feet-to-the-Fire group that is currently helping the City identify opportunities to advance its lighter footprint goal.

Panelists: Tara Moreau and Ross Moster.

Tara is a scientist of sustainable food systems. She works internationally as a consultant with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.  Locally, she founded SPEC’s Food committee. She is a member the Food Policy Council and is advisor on a collaborative project to develop bioregional food plans for BC and the Yukon.

Ross is the Founder of Village Vancouver, Vancouver’s Transition Initiative, and a member of the Food Policy Council. He is primarily focused on building food and community resilience, chairs the joint VV/VFPC FED-AP (Food Energy Descent Action Plan) Working Group, and works with a number of Neighbourhood Food Networks.

Doors/ Refreshments: 6 pm. Super Thai  Food Truck will be out in front of the Museum with free samples until 6:30. Inside, delicious organic, vegan snacks refreshments from Eternal Abundance.

Event: 6:30 pm.

Door prize! Big Bamboo Outdoor Clothesline

Renewable materials combined with renewable energy – a great option for low-carbon drying.
$110 value

Refreshments and mingling afterwards.

Registration at

From Here to There 4 is also an allied event of Living the New Economy.