From Tourism BC
Plucking mushrooms from a fallen tree might seem like an odd afternoon in the wilds. Not in Northern British Columbia. Beginning the end of September until early November, forests are rife with golden buttons perfect for picking – a season set to showcase the local Nisga’a First Nations and their skill for harvesting the fruits of nature. With the Nisga’a Mushroom/Herb/Botanical Tours, operating daily, fellow foragers will learn first-hand which colourful gems are safe for consumption, which morsels provide a delicious and nutritious snack, and which herbs and botanicals were favoured by the elders when they had – interestingly enough – an upset stomach. Peeking through tangled moss that blankets the forest floor, seasonally-dependent species include pine, chanterelle and lobster mushrooms, while many edible herbs are also housed in abundance in BC’s north. Situated just north of Terrace, tours take place in the Nass Valley and include a lunch of traditional foods supplied by Nisga’a Elders, a recipe book to tantalize the tastebuds and your prized bounty plucked from its lush forest setting. For the Nisga’a, unearthing these rare botanical finds marks only one element of exploration: Lava Bed Cone Tours and investigation of intricate historic contraptions, Nisga’a Fish Wheels, are also available – all within a natural landscape boasting First Nations villages, cultural centres and traditional practices.
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