My pal and owner of Well Seasoned in Langley, Angie Quaale has always been a contributing member of the community and now she is running for office. She can’t do it with her piggy bank alone, so why not have some fun, golf and enjoy some pork to help a woman in the know get some key funds for her campaign. Tuesday July 22, 2014.
“8 inch Tuesday” at Redwoods Golf Course followed by a delicious WHOLE HOG pig roast!
8 inch Tuesday is like regular golf with bigger holes…how can you say that without giggling?
Plenty of shenanigans, prizes, great food and fun!
Tee-off 2pm $100 per golfer includes a power cart & dinner
Pig Roast Dinner Only 6:30pm $50
Have questions about Golf Tournament & Pig Roast Campaign FUNdraiser? Contact Angie Quaale 2014 Campaign