Kozaemon x Kasu Sake Dinner

On October 4 a special evening will explore the relationship between sake and it’s kasu -or “lees”. Each dish will be specially created with kasu brought over from the brewery by our Executive Chef Kazuya Mastuoka and paired to showcase each sake in the Kozaemon line-up. This 6 course evening will be hosted by Miki Ellis,
our in-house sake specialist with That’s Life Gourmet importers and our honoured guest of the evening Kozaemon-san.

Kozaemon is a 14th generation brewery in Gifu, Japan.

A family run operation, the two brothers run the show. Kozaemon-san will be joining us in sharing his passsion and sake.

With the overwhelming success of our last SOLD OUT Sake Dinner,
we recommend not waiting to get your tickets!

$145 includes tax and gratuity
Reception will begin at 6:45pm
The dinner to commence at 7pm
