Season’s in the Park and Saffire Wines Tasting


Small lots, Medium Price, Big Wines,
Pinot Gris Gibbston Highgate, New Zealand
Chardonnay Quinta Ferreira, BC
Viognier Quinta Ferreira, BC
Tentacao Palmela Portugal
Cabernet Franc Seven Stones, BC
Wine specialist Flame Eadie is our special guest speaker
Tuesday, September 29th, 6:00 pm

This fantastic wine tasting is held early and right after work,
lasting one hour from 6:00 until 7:00 pm.
A great way to try a few new wines and meet some new people.
And at just $25 per person, this tasting is a bargain!

In keeping with our popular format, try a sampling of fivenew wines and have five wine-inspired food tasters  from Executive Chef Buddy Wolfe while learning from a wine expert as they take you through a casual style tasting.

Seasons in the Park Restaurant, Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver
Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver
Tickets $25.00 per person, exclusive of tax and gratuity
Reserve by credit card at: (604) 874-8008 or email us at: