Social Bites on The Drive with Hobby Chefs

With a recent report by the Vancouver Foundation finding that many Vancouverites are disconnected from their neighbours and neighbourhoods, Slow Bites on The Drive is offering a chance to pause, to taste, to stroll and to connect, a chance to meet food lovers and support the worldwide slow food movement.

Slow Food Vancouver with the help of Social Bites is marking a historic event in the history of slow food: the coming together of the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre in Turin, Italy. This celebration of both the farmer and the chef is the inspiration for our local Slow Bites on The Drive.

Slow Bites on The Drive connects hobby chefs, food lovers and local farmers. Hobby chefs are given a box of beautiful local produce from Klipper’s Organics. They are then challenged to create an inspired dining experience for their guests, food lovers and

curious cats interested in meeting likeminded people. Each foodie couple gets to try two different hobby chefs and then rate their dining experience. The night ends in true Social Bites style at a dessert after-party that answers the question: Who is the top hobby chef?

Don’t miss your chance to take part in this special event as a local food lover. Interested hobby chefs living around The Drive who love to cook and entertain are asked to contact for more information and to register. Hobby chefs need to apply before September 20, 2012.

Social Bites is a culinary excursion that brings food lovers together in a ‘traditional way’ – in homes around Vancouver. Meals made by those who love to cook and entertain are enjoyed by those who love to dine and connect with their local community.

Slow Food Vancouver is the local representative for the international Slow Food Organization and works to encourage the rediscovery of regional cooking.

Social Bites
Annika  Reinhardt
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