The Vino’s at Cornucopia


The Cornucopia wine festival in Whistler, B.C. will be hosting “The Best of the Vinos” as part of this year’s festivities. It will be taking place on Thursday Nov. 8, 2012 at 9 pm in the Theater and Grand Foyer at the Whistler Conference Center. This gives you one more great reason to come up to Whistler this year for Cornucopia!

This fun-filled event will feature a screening of the best of the hilarious Vino submissions from the last three years, and an amazing array of B.C. wine to sample and enjoy! During the screenings a “People’s Choice Award” will be given out to the top submission from the past based on the loudest audience response on the “Applause-o-meter”. After the show, guests will enjoy post-show camaraderie and more B.C. wine during the lively Vinos after-party. Visualize yourself taking this all in while enjoying groovy beats from the house D.J. Tickets are now on sale for this event for only $30 each at:

The Best of the Vinos @ Cornucopia is supported by the Wines of British Columbia and will feature wine from an array of BC VQA wineries that support the Vinos. The event will be produced by Watermark Communications, the event management company behind Cornucopia and the TELUS World Ski & Snowboard festival.

“Bringing the Vinos to Whistler during Cornucopia should be a total blast and a great way to tie into the high-energy of this festival” says Vinos Founder Glenn Fawcett. “Plus Whistler already has the engagement of the creative community with the annual Whistler Film Festival. We feel that once this group of video and film producers catch wind of the excitement of the Vinos, that it will only serve to raise the bar on the quality of video content that we can attract for 4th Annual Vinos event in 2013”.

“This is also a big step in the direction of making the Vinos a “winery agnostic” event so that it can be even more broadly appealing to the B.C. Wine industry. This will further open the creative spectrum as to the kind of video content and submissions that the Vinos can attract. We feel that this is an extremely exciting opportunity for the growth and evolution of the Vinos” said Fawcett.

About the Vinos
The Annual Vinos Wine Film Festival. The Vino’s is the world’s first wine film festival. It has been inspired by events like the Sundance Film Festival, Cannes, and the wildly successful Big Rock Eddies beer commercial film festival. It gives wine enthusiasts the opportunity to compete for cash prizes and precious wine packages by producing a one to two minute video about their favourite BC winery or anything to do with BC wine. Then the submissions of the top finalists will be shown during a fabulous annual party in the Okanagan. The Vinos first started as a festival in 2010, and the third annual Vinos were held in June 2012 in Osoyoos, British Columbia.

Vinos Wine Film Festival Contact
Glenn Fawcett
President, Black Hills Estate Winery/ Founder, Vinos Wine Film Festival.
Cell: 403.710.1667