CONTEST CLOSED #Win 2 Tickets to Van Opera Sweeney Todd April 25 and $30 @whitespot GC

Sweeney-Todd2Winner of countless awards, Sweeney Todd is darkly comical and endlessly entertaining. The indelible cast of characters and the evocatively grimy setting combine with Sondheim’s unmatchable lyrics and complex orchestral score for a rich theatrical and musical experience.

Starring real-life husband and wife Greer Grimsley, one of the great bass-baritones of his generation, as Sweeney Todd, and acclaimed mezzo-soprano Luretta Bybee as Mrs. Lovett.


Win 2 tickets Vancouver Opera’s Sweeney Todd on April 25, 7:30 PM. In addition to that, a pre-show dinner for two worth $30 at White Spot Dunsmuir is also included!



  1. susannah says:

    I never get a chance to see live stuff in Vancouver so this would be a super cool evening out!

  2. Leanne Scherp says:

    This sounds like so much fun!

  3. I’ve heard so many great things about this opera!

  4. Harjit says:

    This would be a fabulous date night! Thanks for the chance to dine at one of our fave places and attend a fabulous opera. Twitter fan@plumerea

  5. Sanaz J says:

    I would love to check this out

  6. Natalie says:

    I haven’t ever seen an opera! Thanks for the chance!

  7. Eric Abel says:

    One of my faces!

  8. Eric Abel says:

    Sorry I meant faves! Lol

  9. This would be a fantastic night out! Thanks!
    Rafflecopter name: Ei Leen

  10. Linda says:

    This would be awesome

  11. Erin W says:

    I love the opera but never treat myself. This would be awesome. Thanks!

  12. Ariel C says:

    yes please!

  13. Tara says:

    This would be such a fun date night! 🙂

  14. ehjenn says:

    This sounds like a fun time! Thank you for the chance to win.

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