In a Pinch

Effortless Cooking for Today’s Gourmet
By Caren McSherry

Having friends over for dinner doesn’t have to be a big production. With In a Pinch, Caren McSherry will show you how to make a 5-star meal in nothing flat.

Gone are the days of 3-day preparations, obscure cooking utensils, and clean-ups that last longer than the meal. With In a Pinch, you’ll impress your friends with restaurant style dishes without even breaking a sweat. This is the new era of cooking! Now you can use high quality ingredients from specialty grocery stores to make quick and easy meals that make you look like a star!

Impress your friends with:

  • Fresh Fig and Prosciutto Rolls
  • Duck Taco Bites
  • Grilled Chili Lime Pork Tenderloin
  • Mini Almond Ice Cream Tartuffi