Slideluck Vancouver

slide luckFebruary 2, 2013 – 9 pm Slideluck is a New York City-based, non-profit arts organization that provides an opportunity for artists and arts-appreciators to gather around food, friends, artwork and music for an unforgettable night.

Event Details

New York, London, São Paolo, Milan, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Chicago, Mexico City, Nairobi, Copenhagen, Toronto, Paris, Rome, Bogotá, San Francisco, Stockholm, Berlin, Panama City, Montréal, New Orleans, and at long last…VANCOUVER.

Slideluck is a forum for exposing artists, curators, reps, and editors to new work, while infusing the arts community with a non-commercial vitality and refreshing exchange.

Slideluck has become a place for community members to come together and share their appreciation for food and art in a casual, inclusive atmosphere. More than anything else, Slideluck is an exhilarating and stimulating occasion that is meant to remind us of why we create in the first place.

The evening begins with a bountiful potluck dinner and then the lights are dimmed, the crowd is hushed, and a spectacular slideshow showcasing the work of local and international artists commences . . .Inline image 3

Photography selections have been made by our jury of curators…Gina Hole (Producer/Agent at THEY Rep & Owner of Sugar Studios), Ian McGuffie (Head of Digital Photography at VANARTS) and Brian Hendricks (Senior Editor at HOBO Magazine)  For more info please visit:


Prizes will be awarded for Best Restaurant Dish (as judged by the public) and Best Dish from the public as chosen by our Foodie Judges – Mark Brand (Boneta, Save On Meats, The Diamond…) and Shira McDermott (

For each admission ticket purchased to the event, we will donate a meal token from Save On Meat’s to our local community partners, the VPD Homeless Outreach Team and the Vancouver Women’s Health Collective.  Visit

Partial proceeds will go towards establishing a small arts grant through the Vancouver Foundation for Photographers & Artists focusing on local social issues.

Cash bar + After Party with live music 

Proudly supported by Westbank Development, London Drugs, On The Rocks Ice, JJ Bean & Nesters Market!

Worldwide support provided by:


Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

It’s an all-ages event however ID will be required to purchase beer & wine beverages.

What can/can’t I bring to the event?

Only dishes prepared in a Vancouver Coastal Health approved and permitted kitchen are being accepted from the public for the inaugural SLIDELUCK Vancouver.

We encourage you to order something from your favourite restaurant, cafe, caterer, bakery, fromagerie and/or food truck and share it with everyone.  Hot and cold, appetizers, entrees and deserts will be accepted.  Please bring proof of purchase.

If you bring a plate/container/tupperware from home to transport the food, we will ensure to return it to you by the end of the night.

I have allergies, food sensitivities and am on a diet.  How do I know what’s in the food?

Each food item/dish will be screened by our professional judges before it is presented to the public to eat.

All dishes will have a list of ingredients and allergy information.

However, caution should be exercised by all.  If you don’t like what you see (or smell) don’t eat it.

Will you have somewhere to re-heat or refregerate my dish?

Yes.  Facilities in the W2 Media Cafe will be available to use to re-heat or keep cool any sensitive dishes to ensure proper FoodSafe standards.

Do I have to be an artist or chef or foodie to partcipate? 

No.  Everyone is welcome!  If you just want to enjoy the show you can buy a ticket with or without a dish.  And if you want to participate in the slideshow, we are accepting submissions of all types of photography and multimedia.

What kind of art am I going to see? 

All different types of photography and impactful media – from documentary to fashion, fine art and abstract.  Our jury of curators will choose only the highest quality submissions, regardless of who submitted them. The top 20 entriies will be exhibited, accompanied by music of the artists choice.

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

Yes.  We understand you’re busy and have a lot going on.  If you can’t make it, give your ticket to a friend or a stranger.  Everyone is welcome!

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

Yes please!  We’re not sure if we’ll have a scanner available.

The name on the registration/ticket doesn’t match the attendee. Is that okay?

Yes.  Tickets are transferable.