Tip Out to Help


Tip Out To Help is the BC Hospitality Foundation’s (BCHF’s) annual fundraising campaign. For 2012 the goal is to raise $200,000 from workers in BC’s Hospitality Industry. The campaign presents an opportunity for everybody in the Industry to contribute to the Hospitality Industry “charity” which supports people in their own Industry. Individuals or teams can participate.
Teams can represent Hotels, Pubs, Restaurants, Industry suppliers or any other establishment or a group of individuals.
During the campaign each team fundraises for the BCHF. How the fundraising is done is left to the team, but the concept is that the funds are contributed by members of the industry. Easy and effective. Ideas include – “toonie or loose change drives”, 50/50 draws and raffles. Some teams may consider donating in a percentage of tips earned during the campaign. Teams and individuals are encouraged to register online at www.TipOutToHelp.com. This website
provides the opportunity to send personalised e-mails to colleagues, friends and family requesting support for their fundraising efforts. The website also has downloadable posters and flyers. At the end of the campaign each team submits their funds to the BCHF and the totals raised will appear on the on line “scoreboard”.
How to help in 6 easy steps
1. Sign up at www.TipOutToHelp.com
2. Set a fundraising goal ( suggest amounts – small hotel, bar or restaurant $500-1000 – larger
establishment $2000)
3. Send an e-mail to all contacts to ask for support – they can donate online
4. Plan your fundraising activities / ideas
5. Fundraise from Thanksgiving toi Halloween 2012 or start right away
6. November 1 , 2012- report and submit funds raised
Thank you for “working together to help our own”
The BCHF supports individuals employed in the Hospitality Industry in times of financial need related to a health or medical condition. T